Then according your will, give the corresponding command: From the list, note the app's Name (at left column) and the PackageFullName (at right column), of the app that you want to remove.ģ.

How to Uninstall or Completely Remove Specific Built in apps in Windows 10 So, if you want to uninstall all the built-in apps from all the other user accounts, login in separately to each other account and give the command: "Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage". * Note: In Windows 10 version 1809 and later, the above command doesn't work anymore (doesn't remove the apps in other accounts).

Follow the instructions below, to remove the built in apps:

Right click on Windows PowerShell result and select Run as administrator.Ģ.At Cortana‘s search box, type powershell.How to Completely Remove the Built Apps in Windows 10.ġ. Related article: How to Reinstall the default built in apps in Windows 10.In this tutorial you will find detailed instructions on how to uninstall the built in apps and to completely remove their leftovers from Windows 10. In Windows 10/8.1 OS, there is also another problem: When you uninstall a built in app, the uninstall process does not completely remove the app from the system, because the app's installation files (aka "Provisioned Packages") and its leftovers, are not deleted during the uninstall. Some of these preinstalled apps (also known as built in apps), can be easily uninstalled from the system, by right clicking on them and choosing uninstall, but many built in apps cannot be uninstalled by using this way, and you have to uninstall them by using PowerShell commands. As you may know, Windows 10 comes with many apps preinstalled.